

Declaration [src]

const gchar*
ipuz_nonogram_get_group (
  IpuzNonogram* self,
  guint index

Description [src]

Returns the group at index.

This function can be used with ipuz_nonogram_get_n_groups() to iterate through all the groups in a puzzle. As an example, the following code snippet will print out all the groups in a color nonogram as well as their color.

for (guint i = 0; i < ipuz_nonogram_get_n_groups (nonogram); i++)
    const gchar *group;
    IpuzStyle *style;

    group = ipuz_nonogram_get_group (nonogram, i);
    style = ipuz_puzzle_get_style (IPUZ_PUZZLE (nonogram), group);
    g_assert (style); // guard against invalid nonogram files
    g_print ("group %s has a color of %s\n", group,
             ipuz_style_get_bg_color (style));



Type: guint

The index of a group.

Return value

Type: const gchar*

The group at index.

The data is owned by the instance.
The value is a NUL terminated UTF-8 string.