Virtual Method


Declaration [src]

get_id_by_clue (
  IpuzClues* self,
  const IpuzClue* clue,
  IpuzClueId* clue_id

Description [src]

Finds the IpuzClueId of clue within self.

If clue doesn’t exist in self, then FALSE is returned and clue_ids direction is set to IpuzClueDirection.



Type: IpuzClue

The IpuzClue to search for.

The argument can be NULL.
The data is owned by the caller of the function.

Type: IpuzClueId

An IpuzClueId to fill in with the id of clue.

The argument will be set by the function.
The data is owned by the function.

Return value

Type: gboolean

TRUE, if clue_id was set to the id of clue.