Puzzle Gallery

A visual gallery of all supported puzzle types.



AcrosticA quote-based word puzzle

Acrostics consists of two parts: a grid containing a quote, and a list of clues. Each cell in the grid has a label and corresponds to one of the cells in a clue. The puzzle can be solved by a combination of guessing words in the quote and solving the clues. The first letter of each answer will typically spell out the author of the clue.



ArrowwordA crossword-like puzzle with clues in blocks

Arrowwords eschew numbers in favor of arrows extending from the blocks to indicate the direction of the answer. Traditionally, arrowwords are asymmetric and have relatively short clues. They are more common in Europe.

This example is in Dutch.



Barred CrosswordsA crossword-like puzzle with lines between words instead of blocks

Barred puzzles are a variant of crossword, with lines instead of blocks. Their clues tend to be cryptic in nature and often exhibit symmetry.



CrosswordA gridded puzzle with blocks to indicate answers

These are also known as Traditional Crosswords, Standard Crosswords, or American Crosswords. These have clues that are numbered by row and column. They frequently exhibit symmetry, and have relatively simple clues.

This example also demonstrates hidden answers found within circles.

See also: IpuzClue



Cryptic CrosswordA crossword variant featuring cryptic clues

These are also known as British Crosswords. Cryptic crosswords traditionally have sparser grids with fewer — but longer — answers. Cryptic clues use wordplay to give additional information when solving clues.

Similar to IpuzCrosswords, Cryptics are frequently symmetric and use numbered clues.



FilippineA puzzle consisting only of horizontal clues with an acrostic down the middle

These puzzles are related to IpuzAcrostic puzzles. They feature a bonus answer down the middle of the puzzle. They are assymetric and only use across clues. Filippine puzzles are historically found in the Netherlands.

This example is in Dutch.



Nonogram — A picture-based logic puzzle.

Nonograms are visual-only puzzles and don’t involve words. Players uses the number clues on the edge of the puzzle to reveal an image.

See also: IpuzNonogramClue

Nonogram Color


Nonogram ColorA color variant of a nonogram puzzle

Like nonograms, players uses the number hints on the edge of the puzzle to reveal an image. However, the numbers also indicate the color to be used, leading to a richer image.